No-fee testing services for job seekers and employees in the areas of clerical, computer software, customer service, and basic finance.
No-fee skills development for registered NCWorks job seekers and employees.
On-line tutorials available for Career Readiness Certificate preparation and for other workplace hard and soft skills.
At various times throughout the year, we hire for an ongoing Telecommunicator position. NCWorks Career Center Asheville is always willing to administer a typing and data entry assessment and can get the results back to us in the same day. It also saves us from having to pay for a temp service to perform the task.
Wendy G.
When our corporate office decided to switch all of our computers to Windows 8, we were at a loss for how we were going to bring our staff up to speed. The tutorials available at the NCWorks office were very valuable and provided our workers with the skills they needed to perform their tasks
Bruce B.